Dufour 2800 Bj. ´78 image

Dufour 2800 Bj. ´78

Location 17440 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Lassan (Vorpommern). Get contact data at EbayKa
Request survey for $1326

Selling my Dufour 2800

I am selling my Dufour 2800 as I am switching to an H-boat. The Yanmar 2YM15 engine from 2014 has approximately 120 operating hours and is in very good condition. The boat comes with a compass, echo sounder, and Garmin. The upholstery is in like-new condition as it was only used for one season and was made by a professional upholsterer. The boat also has new windows, a new toilet, a boom cover, a spray hood, a bathing ladder, and the usual mooring equipment. The underwater hull has been refurbished.

Location: 17440 Lassan, currently on land

The dinghy is NOT included in the sale.


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