This Dehler 38SQ is a generation 3 boat with many luxurious options such as black rigging, colored hull, and black lacquered push and pulpits. The boat looks very stylish with these special features. In addition to the cosmetic aspects, the boat is fully equipped with the B&G Navigation package, including the additional option of the B&G Nemisis mast display mounted on a carbon fiber bracket. A life raft for 6 people is included with the boat. There is a great article about another Dehler 38SQ filmed in September 2022 on
Swedbank Finans
Bo Bäversjö
Dehler Sweden has been selling Dehler Yachts for 14 years and has been the general importer since 2015. For over 50 years, Dehler Yachts has been synonymous with fast and well-designed sailboats that are affordable for performance-oriented sailors. The following models are available in 2023: Dehler 46SQ, Dehler 42, Dehler 38SQ, Dehler 34, Dehler 30 one design.
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