Wanten Stag Stahl Seil Draht Wantenspanner Messing Stehendes Gut image

Wanten Stag Stahl Seil Draht Wantenspanner Messing Stehendes Gut

Location 17489 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Greifswald. Get contact data at EbayKa
Offered are shrouds, backstay, and forestay made of V4A stainless steel, including brass turnbuckles, all in good condition, no fraying.

Various thicknesses and lengths available, ranging from 4 - 6 mm thickness and 4 - 12 m length.

Currently available:

8 x 4 mm

4 x 5 mm

6 x 6 mm

If interested, please take a look and make me an offer.


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