Boat ListingBoat for Sale
Selling a nice Express boat that has been in our possession for two years. The boat is super fresh inside and the cushions are two years old. Fresh pull-out kitchen.
- Roller on the foresail (very smooth)
- Reinforced bottom stocks
- Sturdy mast foot (not "new" but stable)
- Non-toxic bottom (home port in Lake Mälaren)
- Engine purchased new in 2022: Mercury 5hp Sailpower
- Battery purchased new in 2022, but onboard electricity barely used
Included in the Purchase:
- Main sail with reef: OK condition
- Jib: OK condition
- Storm jib: OK condition
- Two spinnakers: Never used, condition unknown
- Chain and padlock for the motor with secure mount on the hull
- Origo kitchen
- Fuel tanks
- Fenders
- Various ropes
- CTEK Charger
- Four supports
- Cover frame
- Large tarpaulin
Included but never tested by us:
- Autopilot's "arm"
- Garmin plotter
- Solar panel regulator
- Wallas heater