Van de Stadt 51 image

Van de Stadt 51

Location 07570 Thüringen - Wünschendorf. Get contact data at EbayKa
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Van de Stadt 51
Design No 419-2
Shipyard Brascarow Jachtbouw B.V. Holland
Built in 1998 in the Netherlands
14,98m LH (15,50m Loa) x 4,80m x 2,20m
Displ. apprx 16.000 Kg (ballast 7to)
EU tax paid (certificate from Dutch costums)
CE Certificate n/a (built and first use before June 1998)
Currently located Real Club Nautico Valencia (apprx 6000,-€/Jahr)
Hullmaterial: GfK with woodcore (Kevlar/ Epoxy/ Fiberglass and Twaron /Mahagony/Red
The area around the keel is 35mm mahagoney with 7 layers of Twaron in Epoxy.
It is a light, but very strong material and won’t corrode. New painted by German Shipyard in
2018 with green 2k Epifanes
Superstructure: GfK with Plywood-Sandwich
Decks equipped with 12mm teak, glued, not screwed
Keel: Steel finkeel with lead torpedo (apprx 7to total)
Rudder: Aluminium balance Rudder
Steering System: Whitlock pedrstal, transfered by stainless steel rods
Aluminium Steering wheel provided with lesther
Vertical clearance: apprx 24m
The boat sailed in the Northern Sea, Baltic Sea, Skandinavia, went two times to the
Mediterranean, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece.
The Design by Van de Stadt is fast, safe and very comfortable, the ship os perfectly
balanced and easy to handle, also one handed.
Inside Materials are ash paneling, bamboo flooring and leather upholstery.
Berths: 6 (front cabin, midhip cabin with 2 bunk beds, aft cabin)


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