Gerb. De Kloet Fellowship 27 image

Gerb. De Kloet Fellowship 27

Location 10245 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain. Get contact data at EbayKa
Request survey for $458
Ive been working and living on my boat the last 2,5 years after a spontaneous buy when i was in a very sick condition. It has been very rewarding and fantastic but also tough and difficult. Especially this year my father died and i havnt had possibility to be around much. Recently a woman was squating my boat and she made a mess. Im concidering a boat transport to Sweden but Ive eventually realized that it might be best for me to sell for a cheap price. I need to get rid of her as soon as possible or get her out of the water. She is now in rummelsburger Bucht and im trying to restore from the damages. Please let me know if theres interest. Photos are from the beginning of the summer but contact me and i let you know what the condition and issues. Its a boat that means alot to me but it have become too big of a project to keep going now. Price is flexible

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