The FISH (DEBUYS) sailing boat is a unique and innovative design created by the renowned naval architect, Phil Bolger. It was named after its original owner, John DeBuys, who commissioned Bolger to design a boat that would be suitable for cruising and fishing in shallow waters.
The FISH is a small, flat-bottomed sailboat that features a cat-ketch rig, which means it has two masts with sails. This rigging allows for easy handling and maneuverability, making it ideal for solo sailing. The boat has a distinctive appearance with its low freeboard and wide beam, giving it stability and ample deck space.
One of the standout features of the FISH is its shallow draft, which allows it to navigate in waters as shallow as 6 inches (15 cm). This makes it perfect for exploring coastal areas, estuaries, and even marshes where other boats cannot venture. The boat's flat bottom also enables it to be easily beached or anchored in shallow waters.
The FISH has a simple and functional interior layout, with a small cabin that can accommodate two people for overnight trips. It has basic amenities such as a small galley, a portable toilet, and storage space for supplies. The boat's open deck provides plenty of room for fishing or lounging, and it can be customized with additional features like rod holders or a fish cleaning station.
Due to its unique design and versatility, the FISH (DEBUYS) sailing boat has gained a dedicated following among sailing enthusiasts who appreciate its ability to explore shallow waters while still offering a comfortable and enjoyable sailing experience.