The Super Dorade, also known as the Dorade (Sergent), is a famous sailing yacht that was designed by Olin Stephens and built in 1930. It is considered a classic racing yacht and has a rich history in offshore racing.
The design of the Super Dorade was revolutionary for its time. It introduced the concept of the "dorade box," which is a ventilator system that allows fresh air into the cabin while preventing water from entering. This innovation greatly improved the comfort and safety of the crew during long offshore races.
The Super Dorade gained fame in 1931 when it participated in the Transatlantic Race from Newport, Rhode Island, to Plymouth, England. Despite being a relatively small boat compared to its competitors, it won the race overall, beating larger and more powerful yachts. This victory established the Super Dorade as a formidable racing yacht.
Over the years, the Super Dorade continued to participate in various offshore races and achieved notable successes. It competed in the Fastnet Race, the Bermuda Race, and the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, among others. Its performance in these races solidified its reputation as a fast and seaworthy yacht.
In recent years, the Super Dorade underwent a meticulous restoration to bring it back to its original glory. The restoration project aimed to preserve the yacht's historical significance while ensuring its seaworthiness. Today, the Super Dorade continues to participate in classic yacht regattas and is admired for its elegant design and racing pedigree.
Overall, the Super Dorade (Sergent) is a legendary sailing yacht that revolutionized offshore racing with its innovative design. Its victories and achievements have made it an iconic symbol in the world of sailing.