Albin Vega med inombordare image
Albin Vega med inombordare
Location Älvsjö, Farsta, Vantör, Stockholms stad
Contrast 36 1985 image
Contrast 36 1985
Location Solna
Dragonfly 32' SUPREME image
Dragonfly 32' SUPREME
Location Sant Carles de La Rapita, Spain
Hallberg-Rassy H.R. 45 #56 image
Hallberg-Rassy H.R. 45 #56
Location Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy
Marine Projects Moody Eclipse 43 image
Marine Projects Moody Eclipse 43
Location Sweden » Svealand » Stockholm
Mascot 28, Motorsegler image
Mascot 28, Motorsegler
Location 15518 Brandenburg - Rauen
Sunwind 30 regatta mit LP image
Sunwind 30 regatta mit LP
Location Switzerland » Lake Constance » Romanshorn
Segelbåt Hanse 350 välvårdad familjeseglad image
Segelbåt Hanse 350 välvårdad familjeseglad
Location Österåker
Jeanneau Symphonie 32 * Baujahr 1979 image
Jeanneau Symphonie 32 * Baujahr 1979
Location 23730 Kreis Ostholstein - Neustadt in Holstein
Dufour 2800DL image
Dufour 2800DL
Location Exmouth, Devon
Swan 47 CB / 1979 image
Swan 47 CB / 1979
Location Orust
Holman and Pye 26 Classic Yacht (Stella Bermudian Sloop) image
Holman and Pye 26 Classic Yacht (Stella Bermudian Sloop)
Location United Kingdom, Weymouth
Segelboot Albin Accent 26 Top Zustand Liegepl. Schweden Schären image
Segelboot Albin Accent 26 Top Zustand Liegepl. Schweden Schären
Location 23552 Schleswig-Holstein - Lübeck
C Yacht Compromis 888 image
C Yacht Compromis 888
Location In verkoophaven, Netherlands
MacGregor 26 M 2006 image
MacGregor 26 M 2006
Location Eda
Scanmar 33 med ny motor - UTHYRES image
Scanmar 33 med ny motor - UTHYRES
Location Västra Centrum, Göteborgs stad
Jeanneau Melody 34 fot säljes image
Jeanneau Melody 34 fot säljes
Location Landskrona
Bavaria 707 | Segelboot Kajütboot | Mit Trailer image
Bavaria 707 | Segelboot Kajütboot | Mit Trailer
Location 17375 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Luckow (bei Torgelow)
Mamba 35 -85 image
Mamba 35 -85
Location Värmdö
Linjett 32 fullt utrustad image
Linjett 32 fullt utrustad
Location Nacka
Trimaran Dragonfly DF 1000 image
Trimaran Dragonfly DF 1000
Location 14929 Brandenburg - Treuenbrietzen
Sunbeam 28i, Schöchl Yachtbau image
Sunbeam 28i, Schöchl Yachtbau
Location Switzerland » Neuenburgersee » Estavayer-le-Lac
Maxi Fenix Dinette - 91 (nr 1266) image
Maxi Fenix Dinette - 91 (nr 1266)
Location Kungälv
Optimist Segelboot Jolle als Sandkasten image
Optimist Segelboot Jolle als Sandkasten
Location 18059 Rostock - Südstadt


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